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osCommerce 2.3.1. How to create custom text page with link in footer and/or header menu

Ray Taylor July 18, 2012
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In this tutorial you will learn how to create custom text page with link in footer and header menu in OsCommerce 2.3.1

  1. Open “includes/modules/boxes/cm_menu_header.php” file.
  2. Scroll down and locate menu items. You can duplicate existing one, or simply use commented out item.
  3. Change file name for your new page. Lets name it NEW_PAGE
  4. Add new menu box, lets name it NEW_PAGE
  5. Add our button to existing items
  6. Open “includes/languages/english/modules/boxes/cm_menu_header.php file.
  7. Here, we should define our new menu item. Lets name it New Page
  8. You may refresh your site. You should be able to see new menu item already. Open includes/filenames.php file.
  9. Here, we should define our file name for a page. Lets name our custom page new_page.php.
  10. Now, we should create/add new_page.php in includes/languages/english/ directory. Define ‘HEAD_TITLE’ and ‘NAVBAR_TITLE’ in this file:
  12. Save it as new_page.php file in includes/languages/english/ folder.
  13. Now, we should create our new custom page in the root of OsCommerce engine:
  14. add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_NEW_PAGE));
      require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_top.php');

    This is our new text here

    Type in your page content here. Type in your page content here.

  15. Save it as ‘new_page.php’ (you may use another name, but it should be equal to the file name defined in includes/filenames.php file) in the root directory.
  16. Note, you can just duplicate (copy/paste) one of the existing pages like conditions.php

  17. Now, lets add new footer menu for our New Page as well.
  18. The process is basically the same. Open includes/modules/boxes/cm_menu_footer.php
  19. Duplicate existing item and specify Filename and Menu for Footer.
  20. Add new item to the list.
  21. Open includes/languages/english/modules/boxes/cm_menu_footer.php file.
  22. Define item for Footer Menu
  23. Save your changes. Refresh your site.

    Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

    How to create custom text page with link in footer and/or header menu
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