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OpenCart 3 文档



If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to 订单 installation service using our live-chat.

This kind of installation can be used in case, you do not have a ready to use OpenCart 商店. 的 'themeXXX(全).邮政编码档案包含OpenCart 引擎文件主题文件 包括 样本数据, so you do not need to install an OpenCart engine separately. Template 样本数据 will make your site look just like our demo template 包括 all the sample products, modules 和 site 配置uration.


Once the 文件 are uploaded to the server, you need to prepare an empty 数据库 为 you OpenCart 网站. It should be created with the help of the 数据库 management tool in your hosting cPanel (PhpMyAdmin 典型的).

Follow a few simple of instructions to create a new 数据库 in phpMyAdmin (check the slides below):

  1. In 订单 to get to the 数据库 list, click Databases button in the top navigation menu.
  2. Enter a new 数据库 name in the "创建新数据库”字段.
  3. 在右侧单击 创建 button.
You should see the newly created 数据库 in the list. In 订单 to get the access to the 数据库, click its 名称:

Feel free to check the detailed video guide 如何创建数据库 .

In case of any issues, please contact your hosting provider 为 further support.


In 订单 to start working with OpenCart, you need to upload the 文件 to your server. 你可以通过 your hosting cPanel or using an alternative FTP client.

  1. 打开模板文件夹.
  2. Go to the 'themeXXX' folder 和 un邮政编码 the 'themeXXX(全).压缩档案到您的电脑. 上传内容 将存档文件发送到服务器( 如何上传文件到服务器 , 如何 to upload 文件 to server using cPanel (WebHost manager, WHM) ).
  3. Set the correct permissions to your OpenCart folders 和 文件:
    • 系统/缓存;
    • 系统/日志/;
    • 系统/下载/;
    • 系统/上传/;
    • 图像/;
    • 图像/缓存;
    • 图像/目录/;
    • 配置.php;
    • 管理/配置.php.

    权限应设置为 CHMOD 755 or 777 depending on the server 配置uration. 为了做 so, select all your 文件 和 folders 和 find the buttons "Change Permissions" if you are working in 文件管理器. If you are working with Linux — use comm和 chmod -R 777 "folder_name".


Open any browser 和 enter the OpenCart directory path 在浏览器地址栏中 (为 example http://your_domain_name/opencart ). You will see the OpenCart installation page:

  1. 安装许可;
  2. 初级阶段;
  3. 配置;
  4. 准备好了!

Check an OpenCart license agreement 和 click the 继续 按钮,如果你同意.


At the second step OpenCart is going to check if your hosting settings match the required ones 和 if the 文件 和 folders permissions are correct.


At the 配置 step you need to input your 数据库 details. 的 MySQL 数据库 was created on the preparation step, now you need to enter the details you have used:

  • 数据库服务器;
  • 数据库名称;
  • 数据库用户名;
  • 密码.

If there are any issues with the 数据库 details, contact your hosting provider.

You need to create the administrator user 为 your 商店. Enter the name, 密码 和 administrators 电子邮件 address. 的 details you enter will be used to log into your 商店 backend.


This is the last OpenCart installation step. You will see 2 options: you can be redirected to your OpenCart 网站 or to the OpenCart admin panel.

You can use the following installation instructions: OpenCart. 如何 to install OpenCart engine 和 template (using “fullpackage”).

In 订单 to set access restrictions, change the permissions to 644 和 444 为 the following 文件:

  • 配置.php;
  • 指数.php;
  • 管理/配置.php;
  • 管理/索引.php;
  • 系统/启动.php.

Remove the "install" folder from your server. You will not be able to enter the 商店 until the folder remains on the server.

安装完成. In 订单 to open the 商店 page, enter 域名 在浏览器地址栏中. In 订单 to access OpenCart admin panel, enter domain_name /管理.

In 订单 to prevent separate template 文件 from being downloaded from your 网站 after uploading it to server, you should check whether direct 文件 download is 为bidden 为 public. 为了做 this, you should open .htaccess file in the site root directory 和 check if it includes the following content: 命令拒绝,允许 拒绝一切 In case this code is not there, you'd better add it to the end of the file 和 rename ".htaccess.Txt“文件到”.htaccess."


In case you already have a ready OpenCart 商店 和 you just need to change its appearance with the help of the theme, use the following installation method.

Make sure your OpenCart version is corresponding to the template requirements. 所有的 OpenCart version are available at the 官方OpenCart网站.

  1. In 订单 to install an OpenCart template, you need to upload the 文件 to the server. 你可以找到 “themeXXX(更新).邮政” archive in the OpenCart folder, it should be un邮政编码ped to your 电脑.
  2. After that, upload the un邮政编码ped 文件 to the root directory of the OpenCart installation.
    You can check the detailed video instructions on 如何 上传文件到服务器.
  3. 的 template 文件 will not affect your 商店 content in any way.

  4. Open your 网站 with any browser 和 add /install at the end of your site URL 在浏览器地址栏中 (为 的例子, http://your_domain_name/opencart/install )
  5. 单击 继续 button. 这可能需要一些时间.
  6. Enter the administration panel, navigate to 扩展s > 扩展 安装程序 然后上传 themeXXX(扩展) 归档文件. 当所有的文件 已上传,导航到 扩展s > 修改 并按 刷新 in the top right side of the screen;
  7. 在下一步中导航到 System > Settings,转到Store选项卡并选择 themeXXX 模板字段中的模板.

Feel free to check the detailed installation guide: OpenCart. 如何 to install a template over the existing 商店 using update package.