


这是一个表面上很好的建议. 然而, how can you find your very first client as a freelancer and start this process of spreading the word about you and your business? 这就是我们今天第一期的主题 templatemmonster教育卡牌.

卡片1 -这是什么?


你见证了我们的新项目—— templatemmonster教育卡牌. We believe that this is gonna be one of the most convenient ways to provide you with the answers to any questions you have.

Every once in a while we’ll post a set of ‘cards’ devoted to a certain question or topic. We will fully investigate the subject matter and explain everything in plain words for your best convenience. 准备好了? 让我们继续.

卡#2 -自由职业者有什么问题?


你猜怎么着,伙计? Everyone is trying to become a freelancer nowadays and work a few hours a day while drinking coffee and tweeting how cool is that to be a freelancer.

That’s the reason why we want to help you out and explain the step-by-step process of 作为一名自由职业者,你如何获得你的第一个客户. 我们将成为你自由职业世界的向导.

然而, here is a small warning for you before we dive into the details: In case you have a normal 9 to 5 job, 你不应该马上离开 and go to freelance job sites hoping that you’re gonna become rich in a blink of an eye.

在正常工作的同时准备你的作品集, create a profile page on the freelance job sites and start taking small and cheap projects in order to gain some reputation. 你就是这么做的:缓慢而稳定!

卡# 3 - 对于自由职业者初学者来说,最主要的麻烦是什么?


自由职业者不是普通的办公室工作, you don’t have a project manager or an already prepared list of clients to work with.

不幸的是,太多的初学者还没有准备好追求这一点。”我在为自己工作的梦想,他们只是没有准备好 喧嚣.


  • 在当地寻找客户
  • 无偿服务在你的社区工作吗
  • 准备一个伟大的 投资组合的网站
  • 利用社交媒体,在脸谱网 / Instagram上发起广告活动
  • 检查你的自由职业者网站的个人资料并更新它


也, 记住与其他自由职业者合作的可能性, 团队合作要比你一个人完成项目容易得多.

卡#4 -在当地寻找客户


自由职业者并不是所有的工作网站都喜欢 Upwork, Fiverr, 自由职业者.com. Ask any friend of yours who's freelancing and they will agree that looking for local clients is one of the great ways not only to get your first customers without visiting the job site but also get truly valuable long-term ones. 前提是你不搞砸他们的项目,哈哈.

做好调查. 如果你正在找一份写作工作, 你应该看看当地的杂志和报纸, 时事通讯, 他们可能需要一些书面内容.

如果你正在寻找一个设计师或开发人员的工作, feel free to check with the local non-profit organizations and let them know that you can make their internet presence better. 其中一些甚至没有网站,这在2017年是多么奇怪?

如果你是一个平面设计师, you can also work with your favorite clients at Designhill's one to one projects or other crowdsourcing platforms.

This is a very efficient way to spread the word about you in your city while building your very own 投资组合.

卡#5 -与你以前的朋友取得联系


If you worked in a few companies before and now you are looking for a freelance project, feel free to contact your previous firms and offer them your expertise with something you know they are not good at. Or maybe you know how to make something work better since you worked there for some time and you are aware of the problematic moments they are experiencing in the area you are good at.

I believe I shouldn’t remember you that you should check your old contract prior to going forward with this idea? 有些公司禁止这样做因此,不要鲁莽行事,也不要忽视研究.

基本上, that’s the only possible problem here and in general, this is a good way to get clients.

请查看 Goodemailcopy.com 如果你能写的最好的是:

嗨,伙计,还记得我们以前一起喝咖啡讨论约翰是个混蛋吗? 所以我现在是一个自由职业者.




创建和发展您的帐户 推特, LinkedIn, 脸谱网.

如果你正在寻找工作作为一个自由撰稿人, 例如, 你一定要注意你的推特账号. 它能让你未来的客户了解你在社交媒体上的存在程度, 他们中的一些人希望从你的帖子中获得流量, 所以发达国家 推特账户将是一件大事.

Keeping your LinkedIn account well-polished and up to date is a must if you want the recruiters to knock on your door and ask you to work with them. 不要忘记保持工作样本是最新的 包括你最好的作品.

And, of course, post all the information about your freelance activity in your 社交媒体简介. Let your friends, colleagues, subscribers and other connections know that you are open for business. 给他们一个机会看看你的工作实例,并附上你的联系方式. 一旦你完成了广告文本,就把这篇文章或推特钉住.

确保你能充分利用你的Instagram账号. 一个很好的例子是 Ales Nesetril的简介. 他也有一本书 如何使用Instagram 没错,所以你一定能从他身上学到一些东西.

卡#7 -开始一个脸谱网或Instagram广告活动



我认为利用这样的工具是非常重要的 脸谱网 / Instagram 适当的广告. They have very flexible options on pricing and they give you plenty of setting for 瞄准正确的受众.

你的第一个客户会比你想象的快得多, 相信我, 这是一个值得投资的好东西. 基本上, 这是对你未来成功的自由职业的投资.

顺便说一下, 自由职业者.com 为您提供成为会员的机会. Once someone takes a job after using your link, you get the commissions paid to you. Advertise the coolest job offers and get money for the projects finished by someone else.

卡#8 -即使没有真正的客户,你的投资组合也是可能的


不管你是否在找一份设计师的工作, 作为开发人员或其他人, 总有可能在你的作品集里填满一些东西. 这是怎么回事??

没有真正的客户? Work on your own projects for the non-existing companies and add it to your 投资组合 for now. 这里的主要思想是展示 你的技能, 你的风格, 和一致性.

这里有一个很好的例子: Artemiy列别捷夫 - the post-soviet designer who is running his very own studio successfully for 20 years now. 以下是Artemiy对准备好第一个投资组合的看法:

“I called all my relatives and friends and told them that I am a designer and if they need something for their business, 他们应该联系我. 那是我的声明,告诉大家我不再是小学生了, 我是一名设计师,也是他们的朋友!”

“Of course, they wanted to see some of my works and my response to that inquiry was very simple. I made up a few companies, created the branding materials for them, logotypes and website layouts. 我浪费了一两个星期的时间来准备我的作品集.”

“随着时间的流逝,我把编出来的项目换成了真实的项目. 现在我的作品集里有3000多件作品... 真正的工作. ”

卡# 9 - 发放折扣并获得推荐信


你的第一批客户不会是你的大客户. 发放折扣 并致力于 低成本的项目 是你该准备做的事吗.

那不应该吓到你,这只是开始,而这个 慷慨会给你双倍的回报 一旦你有了一批客户.

别忘了从每一个客户那里得到推荐信, let your happy clients speak for you and their words will advertise you much better than yours.

卡#10 -更新你的求职网站账号


这是最简单的一个. 确保你的账户显示出你是一个认真而熟练的专业人士.

添加所有必要的链接到你的 投资组合,致你 社交媒体简介,加入 奖状 甚至加上 视频演示 如果你有或者准备好了.

推荐信至关重要,突出它们并选择最好的. This is how your good business speaks for you, that’s how you’ll get referred to others.

许多自由职业网站会让你参加一些测试,然后得到 证书 随着 附加分 以你的名义. 不要忽视这个从懒汉中脱颖而出的机会.



不要忽视与潜在雇主开始互动的机会 按你的条件. Cover Letter is a great chance to introduce yourself properly and set the course for your further conversation.

There are plenty of Cover Letter examples on the internet, review those guidelines and go for it.

也, I definitely recommend you going with the exclusive Cover Letter for each and every client. 这是你的陈述, highlight the problems of the client’s business and explain to him how you can fix that, 你能给他什么呢.

This approach is much more effective than using the same text or not using the Cover Letter at all!

卡#12 -“3”现在是你的神奇数字


Once you landed the first client, you should definitely be happy and proud of yourself.


一个 可能是侥幸, 两个 可以是运气, 三个 客户是坚实的基础.

继续工作,享受做自己的老板. 让我们知道当你在你的自由职业生涯中达到这一点时的感受.

如果你是 新秀自由职业者 你是想要的 开始在网上赚钱 通过制作网站,我们可以为您提供很多! 查看我们的 WordPress主题 and ready-made solutions for other systems, buy one and create a website in a blink of an eye.

Upwork机构. 界面与机遇[免费电子书]


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