How to Save 40 Minutes on Average Creating Screenshots?

Every blog owner sooner or later comes across a situation when it feels like they’re done making screenshots...especially when it’s an a blog post with a collection of 50 websites gathered around some specific topic.

Here’s a Timesaving Hack for You!

I say you can make up to 50 screenshots in just a few minutes. How is that possible you will ask. Easy as a pie. Let’s thank Lars Bachmann for creating this awesome plugin.

The plugin does exactly what you think, adding a small shortcode to your blog post body it will create a screenshot of the website you would like to present in your article.

  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel
  2. Install WP Screenshot
  3. Use shortcode [screenshot width=800][/screenshot]
  4. Profit 🙂

How it looks in the editor >>

[mfc_lightbox][/mfc_lightbox] *Click to zoom

How it looks on the front-end >>

[mfc_lightbox][/mfc_lightbox] *Click to zoom

Awesome, right?

Stay tuned. More awesome hacks are coming.

[mc4wp_form id="74928"]

Alex Bulat

Writing a blog post or building a micro niche WordPress website is something Alex can do bare-handed. You're welcome to contact him via Telegram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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