
  1. 为什么需要网站托管?
  2. 托管服务中最重要的特性是什么?
  3. 最好的主机提供商是什么?

如果你对寻找最好的虚拟主机提供商感到困惑, 一定, 你来对地方了. This article will help you figure out if you need web 举办 和 then find out who are the best website 举办 providers nowadays.



If you are the owner of a business, web 举办 isn’t an optional luxury anymore; it’s a necessity. 如今,世界各地的人们通过网络保持联系. Even the smallest local shops must be discoverable by means of the internet. 至少, every company should have an online page where potential customers can find its business hours 和 location.

我们生活在互联网时代, when people find out about new businesses via search engines like Google or Bing. 网页是你建立网上口碑的机会. 如果你的公司没有一个可共享的网址, there are almost no chances of discoverability 和 therefore there is every chance you’re losing money.

拥有网站托管的必要性不仅适用于企业. 这也适用于个人博客和网站.


既然我们已经决定需要网站托管, 让我们研究一下提供者提供的主要特性. 研究特点,尽量选择最适合你的网站. 下面我们将考虑最受欢迎的亮点.


First of all, stop thinking that an unlimited amount of the essential resources costs a fortune. So far, many website hosts are able to provide an appropriate amount at quite affordable prices. Be careful to choose the provider who can deliver the client all the necessary resources without compromising his budget.


最近的研究表明,即使是一个小的延迟(例如).g. 2秒)你的网站可能会失去潜在的买家. 在互联网上, online surfers used to think that everything should happen at the speed of lightning. That’s why they expect that every page must load in a two-microsecond period. 这导致用户的注意力跨度极短.

While looking for a provider, choose the one who provides an instantaneous page load. With the reliable sources or on the official provider’s website you can find specific information about the average loading time.


花最少的时间加载当然是一个很好的特性, but it has no value if interested customers aren’t able to access your website. 到目前为止,站点的平均正常运行时间应该不少于99.94 %. That’s why you should not even consider web hosts that offer a lower uptime percentage. Choose a provider who has a good uptime history for their clients 和 who is confident in their capabilities.


For hosted websites, the m和atory 和 the most necessary measure to have is free SSL certificate. Further, a good website 举办 service should offer scanning of network 和 servers . To guarantee secure financial transactions an ecommerce website should be PCI-compliant. 除了, your chosen web host must protect your site from cyber-attacks 和 remove detected malware.


Knowledgeable 和 quality customer support plays the most important role in 举办 services. In fact, eventually every site becomes the victim of an issue or some kind of crash. It may lead to huge losses 和 problems for your business if the support team doesn’t respond in time to the call for help, 或者它是否及时响应, 但无法找到所需的解决方案.


如果你以前使用过其他网站托管服务, you should look for a new one that doesn’t charge extra to move your site from the previous host. 大多数提供商在他们的托管计划中都提到了这一点. 转移一个网站似乎不是一件容易的事, 这就是为什么为这样的服务支付额外费用是一个很大的缺点. 当然,最好避免这种不便.


许多领先的网络主机提供域名注册. 您只需要选择一个域名,然后检查其可用性. This service may be included in the provider’s 举办 plans, so you shouldn’t pay any extra money. 这个选项最适合预算紧张的网站所有者. 在其他情况下, the domain registration is offered at a discounted price or you can pay a small charge upfront.


Data backups are usually provided by the 举办 plans in a daily or weekly basis. 这取决于设定的价格. 对于更实惠的备份, it can be set to a fixed number of data backups per day or a particular number of days for delivering the backups. 这个选项可以是手动的,也可以是自动的. 每日频率的自动备份被认为是最好的选择.


选择一个好的供应商, you will have an opportunity to have on your domain name an unlimited number of email accounts or in some cases a fixed number of accounts. 除了, with the package some security measures are offered so your inbox will be protected from spam. 另一个功能是自动回复, 对于某些邮件, 将准备默认响应.


对内容管理系统(CMS)的支持至关重要. CMS和WordPress是领先的平台, 但你也可以选择其他平台(Drupal), 线上购物, PrestaShop, Joomla等.),它们更专业. 它们优化了许多耗时的函数.


To provide your site with a developer-friendly environment choose a 举办 service which is compatible with the platform 和 the most popular programming languages. In this category, the common features of 举办 service include support for some versions of Node.js、Perl、PHP、Apache和Python. 这些附加功能对于您团队中的开发人员来说可能非常有价值.

除了这些建议之外, read customer reviews on the respective pages of the service provider 和 test the customer support.


The right web 举办 provider can help your business reach its full potential in the shortest period of time. 以极快的速度取得完美的领先, 关键安全措施, 一整套必要的资源, 100%的正常运行时间——所有这些特性都将是你成功的关键.



如果你和这个供应商签约, for the first years of use you will receive the domain name as well as the SSL certificate absolutely free. Bluehost是WordPress用户的主要选择. 它提供带有管理支持的特殊托管计划. 除了, 该公司为特定的计划选项提供SSH访问, 24小时电话支持, 如果您不满意,我们保证在30天内退款. A huge advantage of Bluehost is performing regular daily backups on all the 举办 accounts, 即使是最便宜的.

网站迁移需要额外付费. It’s important to note that after the promotional period the price does go up.


举办提供了许多可以为WordPress轻松优化的计划. 即使是最便宜的计划也提供了一定级别的SSH访问, 还有很多客户, 谁真正需要它, 比如这个选项. 定期备份, 保证30天内退款, 专用的IP, 24/7的客户支持和SSD性能也为您服务.


HostGator的计划几乎可以满足所有客户的需求. The sophisticated site builders are able to choose Windows or Linux 举办 as well as customize their virtual or dedicated service. 但并非所有计划都支持ssd, 它的一些服务可能会提供更快的驱动程序. 其他功能还包括定期备份, 免费Plesk或cPanel, 保证45天内退款, 以及正常运行时间监控. 您也有机会购买专用IP地址.


这家公司提供SSH访问, 基本的网站迁移, 全ssd基础设施, 24/7电话支持, 以及实时聊天和电子邮件支持. 备份、恶意软件检测和SSL都是免费的. 集成的WP-CLI支持WordPress. InMotion托管保证90天内退款. 为了降低价格,你可以使用“忠实顾客折扣”,公司提供的特殊选项.


SiteGround is the best solution for small businesses with atypical web needs. This web 举办 provider has many useful options like creation of Git repo in one click 和 access to the staging server. 该公司提供高性能ssd, 自动每日备份(免费), 将LetsEncrypt SSL证书整合到网站中(免费), 无限的电子邮件账户. 此外,SiteGround积极保护客户的安全.

完成的列表 最好的网络托管小企业电子商务, 对于大型企业来说, we should also mention the following website 举办 providers 和 their key features:

  • GreenGeeks(安全的托管环境, 出色的服务器速度, 免费站点迁移和域名注册, 网站builder)
  • Shopify (own POS system, unlimited products on all the plans, quality eCommerce support tools)
  • A2托管(预配置的服务器缓存), 电话和实时聊天支持, SSD存储设备, 离线备份)
  • HostPapa(用户友好的控制面板,可靠 & 安全的商务邮件,易于使用的应用程序和工具,快速加载速度)
  • Hostgator云(自动恶意软件删除和更新, 能够在很少停机的情况下扩展服务器资源)

All these companies provide solid 举办 performance >99.95%.

有时候冒险真的很有趣, 但是当涉及到托管网站的时候, stay serious 和 attentive to choose the most appropriate 和 reliable 举办 provider.

创建一个网站:你有什么选择? (免费的电子书)

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前15+ WordPress托管模板



  1. 最好的 举办 用于WordPress网站. 点击我们的链接,获得市场上最优惠的价格,82%的折扣. 如果HostPapa没有给你留下深刻的印象,看看其他 选择.
  2. 网站安装服务 -让您的模板启动和运行在短短6小时内没有麻烦. 没有一分钟是浪费的,工作正在进行.
  3. 一个会员 -下载无限数量的WordPress主题, 插件, PPT等产品在一个许可范围内. 因为越大越好.
  4. 现成的网站服务 最终的解决方案是否包含完整的模板安装 & 配置, 内容集成, 实现必备插件, 安全功能和扩展的页面SEO优化. 开发团队将为您完成所有工作.
  5. 必备的WordPress插件 -获得最重要的插件为您的网站在一个捆绑包. 所有插件将被安装、激活并检查是否正常运行. 
  6. 最好的库存图片的网站 -创造惊人的视觉效果. 你可以访问Depositphotos.Com选择15张无限制主题和大小选择的图片.
  7. SSL证书创建服务 -获得网站访问者的绝对信任. Comodo Certificate is the most reliable http protocol that ensures users data safety against cyber attacks. 
  8. 网站速度优化服务 -增加您的网站的用户体验,并获得更好的谷歌PageSpeed得分.


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