
What is Akismet?

Akismet is an advanced anti-spam filtering service. 它是最流行的评论垃圾邮件保护工具之一,兼容多个平台- WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. This powerful spam blocker is the product of Automattic, a company that also proudly owns WordPress. Akismet是WordPress自带的插件. WordPress的开发者Matt Mullenweg是Akismet的幕后智囊.

这个插件使用算法来分析提交到你网站的评论和反馈,以找出评论部分的混乱和有用部分. Akismet挖掘并捕获垃圾评论,并阻止它们出现在您的网站上. However, like almost everything, Akismet is not 100%. 它可能会遗漏一些垃圾评论,因此您必须处理它. 甚至有些情况下,Akismet有点过界,并滥发真实的评论.

Though it is not perfect, 这个插件是一个最好的和最流行的插件有反垃圾邮件过滤.

What is Spam?

WordPress评论——很难分辨哪些是真的,哪些是假的. Thereby, Akismet上台是为了区分真假, 这样用户就可以只看真实的评论,而不看虚假的评论. 那些虚假的评论或不想要的评论是垃圾邮件.

垃圾邮件有很多名字——电子垃圾、未经请求的内容和不受欢迎的商业广告. 但它有一个目的——给发送方带来更多业务,让接收方头疼.

如今,几乎没有哪个互联网用户喜欢收到垃圾邮件. According to statistica.com“在最近的报告期内,垃圾邮件占了56条.87 percent of e-mail traffic worldwide. In 2016, 来自美国的垃圾邮件占了大多数 with 12.08 percent of global spam volume."

Among the many aftermaths of spam, a few are:

  • Network and CPU Bandwidth become inefficiently used
  • Inbox will get overloaded, 所以重要的邮件可能会因为垃圾邮件的泛滥而失去用户的注意力
  • 过滤和删除垃圾邮件(甚至通过它们)大大减少了时间和效率。
  • 不必要和不需要的垃圾邮件会引起愤怒和不满
  • Spam can even hurt your SEO efforts eventually

These are only a few. 任何成为垃圾邮件受害者的人都清楚,垃圾邮件对你的打击要深得多. Commercial advertising like spam is no one's choice. 然而,我们都在某种程度上成为了它的受害者.

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Why should you start using Akismet right away?

Akismet是阻止垃圾评论的唯一方法吗? Well, not really. 有很好的选择(免费和收费),你可以用它来阻止垃圾评论离开你的网站. But honestly, Akismet is one of the best you have got. Why? 在这里,我们给你两个坚实的理由来解释为什么你应该马上开始使用Akismet.

  1. 最重要的原因是Akismet是由Matt Mullenweg开发的, who is also the brain behind WordPress. WordPress是全球领先的CMS,也是为网站开发创建的最杰出的软件之一. Concerning the credibility and power of WordPress, 我们可以假设Akismet拥有比其他反垃圾邮件插件更高的信任级别.
  2. Akismet has over 5+million active downloads to date, and according to Akismet's official website, it holds off 7.5 million spams per hour. 它是网络上最受欢迎和高度使用的插件之一. So, Akismet拥有比任何其他垃圾邮件保护插件更多的关于垃圾邮件策略和风格的数据. At the same time, Akismet is highly appreciated by WordPress themes 开发人员说,它可以访问大量的数据,可以用来判断评论是否是垃圾邮件.

How to set up Akismet in WordPress?

当然,你不需要安装Akismet,因为它是WordPress自带的内置插件. To setup Akismet in WordPress, first, go to Dashboard>Plugins>Installed Plugins. 在安装的插件部分,你会发现“Akismet -反垃圾邮件”优雅地坐在那里.


激活插件,然后点击设置进行配置. 现在,您将被引导到如下面的截图所示的页面.


Here you will need to enter your API key. To get your API key, go to Akismet website.


Click on "Say Goodbye to Comment Spam". 这将把你带到下面的页面,在那里你必须选择一个符合你需要的计划. 如果你将Akismet用于个人博客或网站,你可以免费使用它. 如果你想使用Akismet专业网站或大型网络, then you can choose the premium protection.


如果你选择了这个计划,继续注册你的WordPress.com account information to create a WordPress account.


Created the account? 您将收到一封电子邮件到您在这里提到的电子邮件地址. Activate your account using your email address; then you will be directed to the following page. Choose the price of your choice, if you had previously chosen the basic plan, then drag your slider to $0. 选择您的付款细节并确认您的订阅. Immediately after this, you will receive your API key. 你的API密钥就像你的密码一样,所以要保证它的安全性和保密性. If you ever lose it, you can visit Akismet's website, sign in to your account, 之后,您的API密钥将以隐藏形式存在.


Copy that API key and go to Plugins>Installed Plugins. Click on the "Settings" option of Akismet plugin, then paste the API key in the configuration options. You are all set to use Akismet. Congratulations on having a fantastic spam blocker!

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